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Air-O-Cellë Cassette, 10/pk 



50/box = $209.00

Air-O-Cell Cassettes
The Air-O-Cell® is a unique air sampling cassette specifically designed for the rapid collection of a wide range of airborne aerosols including mold spores, pollen, insect parts, skin cell fragments, fibers (e.g. asbestos, fiberglass, cellulose, clothing fibers, etc.) and inorganic particulate e.g. ceramic, fly ash, copy toner, etc.). The Air-O-Cell® collects both viable and non-viable sample specimens, providing a much broader overview of potential allergens contaminants than conventional sampling techniques. 2The Air-O-Cell® operates upon the principle of inertal impaction. Particulate laden air is accelerated as it is drawn through the cassettes tapered inlet slit and directed towards a small slide containing the collection media, where the particles become impacted, and the air flow continues out the exit orfice. The adhesive nature of the collection media prevents the collected particulate from blurring or being washed off during the staining process, and eliminates sample loss from vibration during handling and shipment. After sampling is completed, the cassettes are sent to a laboratory, where the slides are removed and direct microscopic analysis can be immediately performed. The collection media is compatible with a wide range of biological stains and refractive index oils, allowing direct quantitative analysis of organic and inorganic particulate. The Air-O-Cell® can be used with any standard off-the-shelf area sampling pump capable of drawing 15 LPM open flow. The small compact size makes Air-O-Cell® suitable for use in confined or restrictive spaces. With its proprietary engineered design, ease of use, and compatibility with typical everyday area sampling pumps, its easy to see how the Air-O-Cell® cassette is setting the new standard in IAQ sampling and analysis.

Product #



Shipping Weight 3.50lbs
U/M Box of 10 or Box of 50
Stock Status Normally Ships within 24 hours


Inner Wall Sampling Adapters   
Air-O-Cell Inner Wall Sampling Adapters

Air-O-Cell® Inner Wall Sampling Adapters. Tubing section that connects Air-O-Cell® cassette to a wall for inner wall sampling. Shown above with optional push rod. Cassettes sold separately.

The Air-O-Cell® Inner Wall samplers comes in the following configurations:

AOC-WS10 - 10 Inner Wall Attachments Only

AOCWS10-KIT - 10 Inner Wall Attachments and 1 reuseable push rod



Air-O-Cell Tubing Adapters
Adapters to connect Air-O-Cell® cassettes to 1/4" tubing.

Product # ZA0009
Shipping Weight 0.25 lbs
U/M Pack of 5
Stock Status Normally Ships within 24 hours


Air-O-CellÎ In-Line Calibration Adapter   
Air-O-Cell Calibration Adapter
The Air-O-Cell® In-Line Calibration Adapter is an attachment which fits onto the inlet of an Air-O-Cell® cassette with a tube extension for connecting a calibration device.

Product # AOC-CAL
Shipping Weight 0.25 lbs
U/M Each
Stock Status Normally Ships within 24 hours



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